Friday 31 March 2017

Five Out Of 10 In Private Sector Effects To Depression

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Depression is the biggest disease in corporate India affecting 5 out of 10 professionals.
In clinical analysis it is found that 38.5% of the corporate employees sleep less than six hours in a day due to high work-related stress, tough targets set by the higher authorities leading to neurotic denial causing depression.
Full article here:

Hyderabad May Reach Extreme Temperatures In This Summer

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It is expected that heat waves will become more common in Hyderabad and it may raise up to 47°C in summer because of rising global temperature.
Full article here:

Thursday 23 March 2017

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Health Advantages Of Lemon Juice In Summer

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Drinking lemon juice regularly boosts your metabolism and assists your digestive organs to remove toxics and dirt from your stomach faster.It gives the body a chance to absorb the vitamins effectively
Find out the health benefits of lemon juice:

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Cardiovascular Disease And Its Symptoms

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Cardiovascular Disease and its Symptoms:
The very first thought comes to our minds when we hear about heart disease is “Heart Attack”. It is true that heart attacks are most common among heart diseases in people, but it is not only the one people can get...
Click to read:

Monday 20 March 2017

Unknown Facts & Side Effects About Ibuprofen

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What do you do if you get fever or suffer from pains like headache or toothache or back pain? Do you consult a doctor or do you take a pain killer?
Unknown Facts & Side Effects About Ibuprofen:

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Summer safety tips

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Stay Healthy and Cool This Summer!!!

Summers can sap your energy and leave you feeling tired and exhausted. Here’s how to stay healthy and productive during these months.

Click here to know more:

Friday 10 March 2017

Gastric Problems - Symptoms and Treatment

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Gastric problems produce too much acid while digesting food. This causes indigestion, lot of pain and discomfort. This is mainly caused by stomach acid and when it comes into the #esophagus, a human gets #heartburn.
Know about the symptoms and treatment for gastric problems:

Wednesday 8 March 2017

World Kidney Day

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#Obesity is a leading cause for most of the kidney diseases. Individuals affected by OBESITY have an 83% increases risk of CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE.
Listen to your kidneys before they start screaming. Unhealthy diet and lifestyle can be very harmful to your kidneys. Make the right choice and stay healthy.