Monday 24 April 2017

How To Stop Nose Bleeding In Summer

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Are recurring #Nosebleeds spoiling your summer vacations? Don’t worry, today you can get some tips which help you to prevent nose bleeds and tips from dealing with them. Nosebleeds occur for many reasons and they indicate a serious medical condition. But they are more common during summers. The hot and dry air during summers can rupture the tiny blood vessels in the nose. This results in nosebleeds and makes people panic.
Know how to prevent nose bleeds:

Friday 21 April 2017

How To Get Rid Of Sensitive Teeth

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Have you ever find yourself wincing when you take a bite of cold ice cream or a sip of hot coffee in the morning? If your answer is yes, don’t worry; you are not alone. This indicates that you suffer from sensitive teeth.
Know how to get relief from sensitive teeth:

Friday 14 April 2017

What Are The Causes Of Lower Back Pain

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Lower back pain is one of the most common health concern seen in many people irrespective of age and gender. The lower back pain refers to the pain or discomfort felt in the bottom region of the spine.
Apart from strained muscles, there can be other reasons or health conditions which cause lower back pain.
To know the reasons which could cause lower back pain, click here:

Monday 10 April 2017

Summer Skin Care Tips For Oily Skin

If you are born with an oily skin, you know its challenges. During summers, the skin tends to be more oily as the heat and humidity increase the oil production from sebaceous glands. And this excess oil production during summer, coupled with sweat and dirt allows all kinds of skin problems.
By following a good skin care routine, you can avoid several complications of having an oily skin. Here are some skin care tips you need to follow, to deal with an oily skin during summer:

Tuesday 4 April 2017