Wednesday 31 May 2017

World No Tobacco Day

Quit smoking for your loved ones.
#quitsmoking #stopsmoking #maxcurehospitals #maxcure



Do you find it hard to be silent every time when your loved one or a family member smokes?  Well, it is very difficult to watch someone you care about put their health at risk by smoking.
To Know More Click Here :

#Tobacco #Health #Smoking #MaxcureHospitals

Monday 29 May 2017


In your free time, measure your heart rate Visit:

#maxcurehospitals #maxcure #heart

Saturday 27 May 2017

Does Working in Night Shifts Make You Sick ?

Working during night and resting in the day makes us get away from our body clock. While night shifts have become a common phenomenon today, it not only ruins our social lives but can also have an impact on our health.
Click Here To Know More:

#Health #NightShifts  #MaxCureHospitals

Friday 26 May 2017

Consult our top cardiologists in Hyderabad

Consult our top cardiologists in Hyderabad
Book an appointment now!

#maxcurehospitals #maxcure #cardiologists #chestpain

Thursday 25 May 2017

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Have You Tried All The Weight-Loss Plans And Still Didn’t Achieve Desired Results? Are You Tired Of Dieting And Spending Long Hours For Workouts?
Click Here To Know  More :

#BariatricSurgery #Weight #LaparoscopicSurgery #Gastrectomy #MaxCureHospitals

Tuesday 23 May 2017


#WaterAerobics - A New Fitness Mantra Water aerobics is the most fun way to accomplish your workout. Want to know how does water aerobics benefit you? Then get some brief information about this fun workout here. Click Here To Know More:
#maxcurehospital #maxcure #aerobics #healthinwater #beatsummer #AmusementPark #HotSummer #Swimming

Friday 19 May 2017

Middle ear infection

A middle ear infection is an infection that occurs behind the eardrum. It is often known as “Otitis media”. It usually occurs when the fluid gets trapped behind the eardrum and causes inflammation. The bacterial or viral infection due to trapped fluid in the middle ear causes severe pain.
Click To Know More :
#Ear #Infection #Eardrum #MaxCureHospitals

Tuesday 16 May 2017

How To Get Rid Of Gas Pains

Gas pain is one of the most common gastric troubles which cause a lot of discomfort in many people. Gas pains usually occur when gas is formed in the intestine and get trapped instead of releasing by the body during the digestion process.
To Know More Click Here :
#Gaspain #Digestion #Gastricproblems #Gaspains #MaxCureHospitals

Monday 15 May 2017

health Habits

Everyone strives for a good health and they make many changes in their lifestyle which helps them to stay healthy. As we all know the health benefits of fruit juices, everyone started to include packed fruit juices in their diet. Being free from preservatives, fresh fruit juices have more health benefits over packed fruit juices. So, make a healthy habit by switching to fresh fruit juices.
#Fruit #Healthbenefits #Fruitjuices #Health #MaxCurehospitals.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Thursday 11 May 2017

International Nurses Day

Nurses are the important people of healthcare system next to the doctors. They spend years perfecting and developing many diverse skills that can help them to bring new life into the world of many patients. On the occasion of "International Nurses Day", let us respect every nurse who is dedicated to saving the lives with their best efforts.
#HappyNursesDay #InternationalNursesDay #NursesDay 


People who want to be healthy and tries to eat healthily should be calorie conscious in order to stay fit. This can not only help one to stay fit but also lets to make healthier choices. Know the calorie values of what you eat and drink every day to let them benefit you more.

Friday 5 May 2017

World Hand Hygiene Day

Hand hygiene is the effective way to prevent infections. If you are involved in a healthcare system, on the occasion of World Hand Hygiene Day, take a minute to have a conversation with yourself about what you can change today for a better tomorrow. Small improvements in your hygienic habits can lead to big things and save many lives.
#worldhandhygieneday#handhygieneday #HandHygiene #SaveLives#CleanYourHands

Tuesday 2 May 2017

world asthma day

world asthma day,asthma treatment,prevention of asthma,asthma causes,world asthma day 2017, asthma, copd

Have you been diagnosed with asthma? Or did someone have been diagnosed with asthma recently? If so, you probably have lots of questions. Even if you are not suffering from it, it is better to know about asthma, to stay protected from it. So let’s know what asthma is how to prevent it and how to deal with it if already affected.
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